“In God we trust. All others must bring data.”
Hello again, it is Christie and I am back this week to talk about how arguments on the internet affect our society as well as censorship issues we all may face in life. Would you believe that the commercial printing press was used for erotic novels 150 years before the scientific journal? Well, according to Clay Shirky in his TED talk about the internet transforming government you better believe it. Inventions such as the printing press, the telephone, the television, and now the internet were all thought to bring world peace. It was theorized that if communication among the citizens of the world was easier, then why would war even exist? As we can see from current events and history events the dream for world peace through communication was never realized. In fact, if you are someone who follows President Donald Trump on twitter, you know exactly how much the internet can feed into conflict. With the emergence of new technology and new theories the internet should be playing the...